Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Machine is Us/ing Us

This video provided a new look, or at least a deeper way to look into the technology that we all use on a daily basis to link ourselves to virtually everything in our world. I think the title of the video (The Machine is Us/ing Us) is supposed to show that we are what comprises the internet and the technology of our generation, but at the same time, the "Machine" is also using us to link information, people, etc. and make the system more complex. As much as we rely on the machine, the machine also relies on us to keep working and growing.

Web 2.0 affects those trying to enter the workforce because now people can be linked to the workforce without even leaving their homes, by doing research on companies and using websites to post their resumes and information. Also, these people are affected because of the ongoing change of the web technology and the requirements to be proficient in these areas.

Web 2.0 affects those who are already in the workforce because these workers will have to stay on top of the latest technology to maintain efficiency.

When the video said that we will have to rethink everything, I think it meant that because the web now links people to information, businesses, and even to other people and possible relationships, we now have to think about almost every aspect of our lives in a different way. We now have a different (and faster) way to be exposed to everything our world has to offer.

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